Tuesday 19 January 2010

3D where were you all my life?

Im on a bus on my way from Oxford to London as I write and marvel at the technology around me. Im doing 100 km on the M40 (which is the pseudo cool British term for motorway into London) and there’s WIFI all around me as well as any car who stupidly tries to drive close enough to risk a high speed death in order to check their facebook. But the technology around is phenomenal. Two technological wonders that have changed the face of the western world, firstly the GPS in my phone that can direct you anywhere in the world given you have an address. And secondly, and for this I would personally like to shake the hand of the guy who invented the dishwasher. Back home we call it the ‘maasi’ but a maasi seems to be unknown commodity amongst the natives. Except maybe if you employ the Polish. Or you’re the Queen.
Here I would like to raise my hand for a two-fingered salute to Lollywood, Nishat Cinema, the Mandvivalas, Cineplex and anyone else who’s had a hand in denying the Pakistani public from the 3 Dimensional movie experience. I went to see Avatar and the minute you wear those rayban wayfarer wannabe glasses, and im not making this up, you’re transported into this realm of larger-than-life-things-popping-out-and-coming at you world. If cougars are your thing then you’d be salivating and squirming uncomfortably at Jane Fonda being close enough to touch. Almost.
See, people in their private time like to pick their noses, get rid of excess body hair or play with their snakes optimistically called monty python. That’s fine, I prefer to watch movies and especially after a hard days work nothing like watching a pirate copy of movie playing in a cinema not near you or anytime in the foreseeable future. That was then. Now I make it a point to watch anything that comes out to make up for lost time. And I had this notion in my head that regardless of how crap the movie was it would always be better in a cinema. After the all, the big screen, surround sound and the sweet popcorn made it an experience. Until I went to see ‘What happened to the Morgans”. It was so bad that peopled walk out half way through. I sat it out but it was as enjoyable as having sex with a porcupine. Note to self, read a review next time. Another myth busted.

1 comment:

  1. abey oi I pick my nose, once got rid of excess body hair, play with Monty Python Khan AND love movies. And Avatar can suck me in 3D.
