Thursday 13 May 2010

Quarter of a century.

Its official. I am now a quarter of a century old. Not that anyone stops to check my id in clubs. Its apartheid taking place on my head. The white hair taking over the blacks, which is the bit about history repeating itself. Come to think of it, I might just be inclined to dye it black when Nelson Mandela kicks the bucket, as a mark of solidarity for a great man. Or is that racist? I don’t know.

I have decided to reward myself this year with an exorbitantly priced laptop. In the hopes of it making it pay for itself. All I know is that I can see Cobie Smulders in HD. And Alessandra Ambrósio. Which in my mind is paisay wasool.

Research in Motion you are a expensive whore. With herpes. Who gives you pain and anguish after a little pleasure... Just like the bosses who run your company and undermine it with short selling the stocks. The money, which should have gone into research for your flagship fuckin phone. Or do you not see the irony with your name. oh right you call yourself RIM. Well stop riming each other and get your shit together (pun not intended).

Time to get a new phone. Being the good muslim boy that I am, Ill give you another chance to redeem yourself.