Theres a downside of living in an islamic country all your life... never knew things were so festive during the 25 of december... all i celebrated was Jinnah's birthday or death anniversary(shows how much we celebrated it) and lately BBs death anniversary. Its like both Eids all rolled into one day, yet they close shops on christmas eve at 4 in the afternoon. At this the businessman in me awakes at the thought of revenue lost, had they opened shop till ten p.m. or even three p.m., in fact the evening before eid was the only time my mother wanted me to stay out of the house, so i could bring back her 'nai kupray' usually by three in the morning... have i mentioned i start with something and go off on a tangent?
i meant to start this about christmas, and how i seemed to have been introduced into a new family. one very different from mine yet they had a certain charm about them. i got a new perspective on family ties, i dont know what but it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. Please GOD save my extended family before they kill each other.
*note to self* move to a new country and get married into a different culture.